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Home - Information Services - Get Help - How-to-Guides - Device Registration - Register a Smart TV, DVR, or Set-Top Box

Register a Smart TV, DVR, or Set-Top Box

Note: Before you register a smart tv, dvr, or set-top box, you'll need to know its MAC address. (For more information, see Find the MAC Address for a Smart TV, DVR, or Set-Top Box.)

  1. Open a web browser and go to
  2. Log in with your MC user name and password. The Device Registration page should appear.
  3. If desired, in the Building/Room Number field, enter your building and room number.

  4. In the Device Name field, enter a meaningful name for your device (e.g., Jane’s Laptop, Jane’s iPhone, etc.) so that you can easily identify it later on in your list of registered devices if you need to.

  5. Click the Device Type down arrow and select the type of device you're registering (e.g., computer, phone, etc.).

  6. In the MAC Address of Device field, enter the device's MAC address. (For more information, see Find the MAC Address for a Smart TV, DVR, or Set-Top Box.)

  7. Put a checkmark in the “I am the owner…” checkbox.

  8. Click Add Device.

  9. Unplug the network cable and plug it back it. (If you don't complete this step, then your Internet connection will not work.)