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Schedule a Meeting

  1. Open Outlook 2016 on a MC computer.
  2. Open your calendar or, if you're scheduling a meeting on someone's behalf, open that person's calendar.
  3. On the Home tab, click New Meeting.

    New Meeting
  4. Enter a Subject and Location.

    Subject and Location
  5. Click Scheduling Assistant.

    Scheduling Assistant
  6. Click Add Attendees and select the people that you want to invite to the meeting.

    Add Attendees
  7. In the search box, enter the last name of the first person that you want to invite.

    Search Box
  8. Double-click the person’s name in the list.
  9. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each person that you want to invite.
  10. When you’re finished selecting people, click OK.
  11. Click the desired meeting time.

    Meeting Time
  12. On the Meeting tab, click Appointment.

  13. Click Send.