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Share Your Calendar

Share Your Calendar in Outlook on the Web
Share Your Calendar in Outlook 2016

Share Your Calendar in Outlook on the Web

  1. On the Calendar pane, right-click your calendar and select Sharing permissions.

    Sharing permissions
  2. Under Send a sharing invitation in email, enter the email address of the person with whom you want to share your calendar.

    Send a sharing invitation in email
  3. Select the desired permission level.

    Permission Level
  4. Click Share.

Share Your Calendar in Outlook 2016

Note: If you want someone to receive and manage your meeting invitations, then you'll need to add that person as a delegate to your mailbox. For more information, see Add a Delegate.)

To share your calendar:

  1. Open Outlook 2016 on a MC computer.
  2. Open your calendar.
  3. On the Home tab, click Share Calendar.

    Share Calendar
  4. Click the To button and select the person or people with whom you want to share your calendar.

    To Button
  5. If desired, select Request permission to view recipient's Calendar.

    Request permission to view recipient's Calendar Checkbox
  6. If desired, click the Details down arrow and select a different option.

    Details Down Arrow