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Set Up MC Email on a Mobile Device

DISCLAIMER: The Information Systems Center provides minimal support for mobile devices. Follow the instructions below at your own risk. Monmouth College is not responsible for any damages to your mobile device or data on your mobile device.

If you run into any issues or would like assistance setting up MC email on your mobile device, then please stop by the Information Services office during normal business hours.


General instructions for setting up MC email on an Android device are below. (Please note that there are various versions of the Android operating system, so the instructions for your device may be slightly different from the ones that appear below.)

  1. If your device is connected to the MCUsers or MCPublic wireless network, then disconnect from it and use your carrier's wireless service. (After you set up MC email on your device, you can re-connect to MCUsers or MCPublic.)
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Accounts.
  4. Add Account.
  5. Select Corporate, Corporate Sync, MS Exchange, or Microsoft Exchange Active Sync.
  6. Enter the following information if/when prompted:

    Email address: Your MC email address (e.g.,

    Your MC user name (e.g., jdoe)

    Your MC email address (e.g.,

    Password: Your MC password


  7. If you receive a message during the setup process that says "The server requires that you allow it to remotely control some security features of your phone," then click OK.

iOS (Apple)

General instructions for setting up MC email on an iOS device (iPhone or iPad) are below.

  1. If your device is connected to the MCUsers or MCPublic wireless network, then disconnect from it and use your carrier's wireless service. (After you set up MC email on your device, you can re-connect to MCUsers or MCPublic.)
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Password & Accounts.
  4. Select Add Account.
  5. Select Exchange.
  6. In the Email field, enter your MC email address (e.g.,
  7. If desired, in the Description field, change the account description.
  8. Select Next.
  9. Select Sign In.

    Note: If you receive a message that says "Error Signing In," then click OK, click Next again, and select Configure Manually.
  10. Enter your MC password.
  11. Click Next.
  12. If you selected the Configure Manually option in step 9, then enter the following information:

    Username: Your MC email address (e.g.,
  13. Click Next
  14. Click Save.