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Combine Columns of Data Using the CONCATENATE Function

  1. Click the cell in which you want the formula result to appear.

  2. On the Formulas tab, click Insert Function.

    Insert Function
  3. In the Search for a function field, type concatenate.

  4. Click Go.
  5. Select CONCATENATE from the list.

  6. Click OK.
  7. With the cursor in the Text 1 field, click the first cell you want to combine.

    Text 1
  8. In the Text 2 field, type a space.
  9. With the cursor in the Text 3 field, click the second cell you want to combine.

    Text 3
  10. Repeat steps 8 & 9 as needed.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Copy the formula down the column.

IMPORTANT: If you want to delete the columns of data that you combined, then you'll need to copy the column that contains the combined data and paste it in a new column as Values in order to remove the underlying formulas. Instructions for how to do this are below.

  1. Copy the combined column.

  2. Right-click on a blank column and select Values.

  3. Delete the columns of data you combined plus the combined column that contains the formulas.