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Home - Information Services - Get Help - How-to-Guides - Submit a Help Ticket

Submit a Help Ticket

If you experience a problem with your computer, a printer, software, or voice mail, then please submit a help ticket using the IS Help Desk program. (After you submit a help ticket, an email will be sent to you to let you know that your help ticket was received. You'll receive additional emails when your help ticket is assigned to a technician, when your help ticket is closed, and if your help ticket is re-opened.)

To submit a help ticket:

  1. Click Faculty Resources, Staff Resources, or Student Resources on the right side of the MyMC page.
    Faculty Resources and Staff Resources Links
  2. Click Common.
    Common Button
  3. Click Start program across from Information Systems Help Desk.
    Start program Link
  4. Log in with your MC user name and password.
  5. In the Please enter your problem/request field, enter a short description of the problem or request.

    Please enter your problem/request Field
  6. If desired, in the Optional details field, enter additional information regarding the problem or request.
  7. Click Add Problem/Request.

    Add Problem/Request Button