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Add Feedback to Student Submissions

In Moodle, you can download student submissions, add feedback to each file, and then upload the files to Moodle where they will be distributed to each student. Instructions for how to do this are below.

NOTE: In order to add feedback to student submissions, Feedback files (under Feedback types) must be selected in the assignment settings.

  1. On the course home page, click the assignment to open it.
  2. Click View all submissions.

    View all submissions
  3. Click the Grading action drop-down menu and select Download all submissions. (A .zip file containing the students' files will download to your computer.)

    Grading action Down Arrow
  4. Unzip the .zip file by right-clicking it and selecting Extract All. (The unzipped folder will contain a folder for each student. The student's submission will be located in this folder.)

    Extract All
  5. In the unzipped folder, open a student's folder, open the student's file, add your comments to the file, save the file, and close the student's folder.

    Do not change the file name that Moodle assigned to the student's file or folder or you won't be able to upload the file.
  6. Repeat step 6 for each student.
  7. When you're finished adding comments, zip all of the student folders by selecting them, right-clicking on the selected folders, and selecting Send to - Compressed (zipped) folder.

    Selected Folders
  8. Rename the zipped folder whatever you'd like.
  9. In Moodle, on the assignment's grading page, click the Grading action drop-down menu and select Upload multiple feedback files in a zip.

    Grading Action
  10. Drag the .zip file to the upload area.

    Upload Area
  11. Click Import feedback files.
  12. Click Confirm.
  13. Click Continue.

    NOTE: After you click Continue, the feedback files will appear on the assignment's grading page in the Feedback files column.
  14. Click Save and return to course.