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Enter Feedback Comments

In Moodle, you can enter feedback comments on the assignment's View All Submissions page or on the assignment's Grade page. Instructions for how to do this are below.

Enter Feedback Comments on the View All Submissions Page
Enter Feedback Comments on the Grade Page

Enter Feedback Comments on the View All Submissions Page

  1. On the course home page, click the assignment to open it.
  2. Click View all submissions.

    View all submissions
  3. Under Options, make sure Quick grading is enabled.

    Quick grading
  4. Enter comments in the Feedback comments fields.

    Feedback comments column
  5. When you're finished adding comments, click Save all quick grading changes.

Enter Feedback Comments on the Grade Page

  1. On the course home page, click the assignment to open it.
  2.  Click Grade.

  3. On the grading pane, enter comments in the Feedback comments area.

    Grading Pane
  4. Click Save changes or Save and show next.