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Activity Descriptions

Moodle has many different types of activities that you can add to a course site. Below are descriptions these activity types.


Moodle's Assignment activity is used when you want students to submit work that you can grade. You can configure the Assignment activity configured in a number of different ways, depending upon the type of assignment that you want to create. For example, you can choose to have students upload a file, enter their answers directly in Moodle, or both. You also can create an assignment for a task that students don't complete in Moodle but that you want to grade in Moodle.


The Attendance activity enables you to keep track of attendance for your course. You can download the attendance for your course in Excel format or text format, and students can view their attendance records.


The Chat activity enables you and your students to have synchronous, text-based conversations with other course or group members. Multiple chat rooms can be added to a course site, depending upon your needs, and they can be configured to be open only during certain times or always open.

 Moodle keeps an online record of what goes on in the chat room, so you and your students can view transcripts of past chat sessions.


The Choice activity enables you to create a single multiple-choice question that you can use to poll your students. Poll results can include student names or be anonymous and you can choose to show the results to students.


The Database activity enables you and your students to create, maintain, and search a collection of records about any topic. Databases can be simple or complex and available field types include text, number, checkboxes, drop-down list, image, URL, or File.

External Tool

The External Tool activity is used to access LTI (Learning Tool Interoperability) compliant learning resources and activities on other web sites from your course home page without having to log in a second time.To setup an external tool instance, the tool provider should be able to provide instructions on how to configure the external tool for their site.


The Feedback activity enables you to create a custom survey for collecting feedback from your students or other Moodle users. (The Feedback activity CANNOT be graded.) Responses can be anonymous, results may be shown to all participants or just you, and results may be exported to Excel.


The Forum activity module enables you and your students to have asynchronous class discussions. Forum posts can have attachments, be graded, and display a word count.  


The Glossary activity module enables you and/or your students to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary, or to collect and organize resources or information. You and/or your students can make comments on entries, and entries can be rated.


The Journal actvitiy allows you to collect online text from students. Journal entries can be graded, and only you can view student sumissions.

Students cannot submit files or add other content like images.)   Students can edit and refine their answer over time.


In Moodle, you can create quizzes consisting of many different question types, such as multiple choice, true/false, short answer, matching, essay, and more. Quiz questions can be created from scratch or imported from a file. Quiz questions are stored in a question bank within your course and may be reused for other quizzes.

SCORM Package

The SCORM package module enables you to upload compliant SCORM package to include in your course. (SCORM stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model and is a set of technical standards for e-learning software products. SCORM tells programmers how to write their code so that it can “play well” with other e-learning software.)

Turinitin Assignment 2

A Turnitin assignment in Moodle is just like a regular Moodle assignment except it   ·        Generates a Similarity Report for the student’s submitted work that you can view from within Moodle ·        Enables you to use all of the Turnitin’s marking tools from within Moodle so that you can add feedback to student files without having to log in to Turnitin.

