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GIFT Format

GIFT is Moodle's proprietary quiz question format. You can use it when you want to write your own quiz questions in Word or a text editor program (e.g., Notepad) and upload them to Moodle.

Basic GIFT Formatting Rules

  1. Enclose question title in double colons. For example:

    ::Question 1::
  2. Write the question on the next line following the question title. For example:

    ::Question 1::
    Question goes here.
  3. Enclose the answer in curly braces. For example:

    Question goes here. {Answer goes here.}
  4. Insert at least one blank line between each question. For example:

    Question goes here
    {Answer goes here}

    Question goes here
    {Answer goes here}

    Question goes here
    {Answer goes here}

Question Type Formats

Multiple Choice

For multiple choice questions, put an equal sign before the correct answer and put a tilde sign before each incorrect answer. For example:

::Question 1::
The capital of Illinois is {~Chicago ~Galesburg =Springfield ~Rockford}


For true/false questions, the answer should be written as {TRUE} or {FALSE} or abbreviated to {T} or {F}.  For example:

::Question 2::
Monmouth College is located in Monmouth, Illinois. {T}

Short Answer

For short answer questions, put an equal sign in front of each acceptable answer. For example:

::Question 3::
The capital of Illinois is {=Springfield =Springfield, IL =Springfield, Illinois}

Missing Word

For missing word questions, put an equal sign before the correct answer and put the answer in curly braces within the sentence. For example:

::Question 4::
Monmouth College is located in {=Monmouth}, Illinois.


For matching questions, put an equal sign in front of each matching pair and separate each matching pair with ->. For example:

::Question 5::
Match the landmark with its location {=Eiffel Tower -> Paris =Golden Gate Bridge -> San Francisco =Mount Fuji -> Japan}

Uploading a Word Document

If the questions are in a Word document, then save the Word document as a plain text file with UTF-8 encoding. (To do this, click File and select Save As. On the Save As window, click the Save as type down arrow and select Plain Text. Then, on the File Conversion window, select Other encoding, and select Unicode UTF-8.)

More Information

More information about the GIFT format is available at