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Your Moodle Dashboard

Filter Courses by In Progress, Future, Past, or Starred
Star or Hide a Course
Add a Timeline, Recently Accessed Courses, and/or Starred Courses Block
Sort Courses by Course Name or Last Accessed
Change the View to List or Summary


Your Moodle Dashboard page appears after you log in, and it displays all of the courses to which you have access. (To access a course from this page, click the course title.)


You can filter courses on your Dashboard page so that you just see the ones you want (e.g., in progress, future, or past), and you can star or hide courses. You also can customize your Dashboard page by adding blocks (e.g., Timeline, Recently accessed courses, & Starred courses) to the right side.

Filter Courses by In Progress, Future, Past, or Starred

To display only in progress, future, past, or starred courses on your Dashboard page, click the drop-down menu and select the desired option.


Star or Hide a Course

Click the three dots icon across from the course title and select the desired option.

Star this course and Remove from view

Add a Timeline, Recently Accessed Courses, and/or Starred Courses Block

  1. Click Customize this page in the upper-right corner of your Dashboard page.

    Customize this page
  2. Click Add a block at the bottom of the left navigation pane.

    Add a block
  3. Select the desired block (e.g., Timeline, Recently Accessed Courses, or Starred Courses).
  4. When you're finished adding blocks, click Stop customizing this page in the upper-right corner.

    Stop customizing this page

Sort Courses by Course Name or Last Accessed

Click the Sort drop-down menu and select the desired option.

Sort Drop-Down Menu

Change the View to List or Summary

Click the View drop-down menu and select the desired view.
