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Enroll a Student in a Course Site

Note: In order for students to be able to access a course site, they must be added to it. (Moodle refers to this as "enrollment.") The Moodle administrator enrolls students in course sites prior to the beginning of each semester, but there may be times when you want to enroll a student yourself (e.g., when a student adds the course after the start of the semester). Instructions for enrolling a student are below.

  1. Click Participants on the left navigation pane.

  2. Click Enroll users.

    Enroll Users

  3. Under Select users, enter the student’s last name in the Search field and press Enter.

    Search Field
  4. Select the student from the list.

    Selected Student
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each student that you want to enroll.
  6. Click Enroll users.

    Enroll users