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Auto-Create Groups

  1. On the course home page, click the Actions (gear) icon and select Edit settings.

    Actions Icon

  2. Under Groups, click the Group mode drop-down menu and select Separate groups.

    Group mode

  3. Click Save and display.

  4. Click Participants, on the left navigation pane.


  5. Click the Actions (gear) icon in the upper-right corner of the page and select Groups.


  6. Click Auto-create groups.

    Auto-create Groups

  7. Under General, if you want groups to be numbered instead of lettered (e.g., Group 1 vs. Group A), then change the @ symbol to the # symbol in the Naming scheme field.

    Naming scheme
  8. By default, Moodle creates groups based on the number of groups that you specify. If you'd rather have groups created based on the members per group, then click the Auto create based on drop-down menu and select Members per group.

    Auto-create based on
  9. In the Group/member count field, enter the desired number of groups or members per group.

    Group/member count
  10.  Under Group members, click the Select members with role drop-down menu and select Student.

    Select members with role
  11. By default, Moodle allocates group members randomly. If you'd prefer to choose a different option (e.g., alphabetically by first name, last name), then click the Allocate members drop-down menu and select the desired option.

    Allocate members
  12. Click Preview.
  13. Click Submit.