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Home - Information Services - Get Help - How-to-Guides - Moodle - Moodle for FacultyResources - Add a Web Link

Add a Web Link

  1. On the course home page, click Turn editing on.

    Turn editing on
  2. In the desired section, click Add an activity or resource.

  3. Under RESOURCES, select URL.


  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the web link.

  5. In the External URL field, enter the web page's full web address (e.g.,

    External URL

  6. Under Appearance, click the Display drop-down menu and select New window (to have the link open in its own browser tab) or Embed (to have the link open in its own page in Moodle).

    Note: For web pages, it's recommended that you always select New window. For video files, you can choose New window or Embed depending upon your preference.)

    Display Down Arrow
  7. Click Save and return to course.