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Specify Your MC Password Reset Preferences

If you forget your MC password, then you can reset it yourself, but first you must specify your password reset preferences. (For example, you can have a reset link sent to you at a secondary email address or choose to receive a reset code in a text message.) Please specify your password reset preferences now before you need to reset your password.  

To specify your password reset preferences on your personal device:

  1. Go to the MC home page and select MyMC.
  2. On the Forefront Threat Management Gateway page, select I have forgotten my password or I want to setup my password reset options here.


To specify your password reset preferences on a campus computer:

  1. Go to the MC home page and select MyMC.
  2. Under Campus Links, select Faculty Resources, Staff Resources, or Student Resources.
  3. Select Common.
  4. Select Password Recovery Setup.