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Tips for Creating a Strong Password & Keeping It Safe

To create a strong password:

  • Use at least 14 characters.
  • Use a combination of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols (including spaces).
  • Never use a password that is based on personal information, such as your user name, pet’s name, mother’s maiden name, hometown name, birth date, social security number, driver’s license number, PIN number, etc.
  • Try using a pass-phrase. Here are some examples:
    • I wish I could visit Wallace.
    • Scotland? That's paradise!
    • 1853: fantastic year.

To help keep your password secure:

  • Don’t write down your password. (If you must write down something, then write down a hint that will remind you of the password and keep it in a secure location, such as your wallet.)
  • Change your password periodically (e.g., every 60 to 90 days) or whenever you feel it may have been compromised.
  • Don’t choose to save your password if prompted by your browser or other program.
  • Don’t enter your password on a shared computer in places with open Wi-Fi access, such as Internet cafes, public libraries, etc.
  • Log off and close the web browser whenever you're finished using a site that you had to log in to.