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How to Clean an Infected PC

If you think your computer may be infected, then follow the recommended steps below to help ensure that all virus and spyware programs are detected and removed.

  1. Make sure that your anti-virus/anti-spyware software is up-to-date.
  2. Physically disconnect the computer from the Internet (e.g., unplug the data cable or disconnect from the wireless network).
  3. If you have a Windows operating system, then turn off System Restore.
  4. Perform a full system scan and remove all of the malicious programs that are detected.
  5. Reboot the computer.
  6. Perform another full system scan and remove any additional malicious programs that are detected.
  7. Keep rebooting and rescanning until no more malicious programs are detected.
  8. If you have a Windows operating system, then turn on System Restore.
  9. Reconnect the computer to the Internet (e.g., plug the data cable back in or connect to the wireless network).