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Report Parameters

All reports have parameters that define the data that will be retrieved and displayed.

Report parameters display at the top of the report, as shown circled below.


Types of parameters that you may encounter include:

  • Date
  • ID
  • Multiple-select
  • Special

Date Parameters

To specify a date parameter, either enter the date in the entry field (in the same format in which the default date appears) or select the date by clicking the calendar icon.

Date Parameter

ID Parameters

To enter an ID number in an ID parameter field, enter leading zeros.

ID Parameter

Multiple-Select Parameters

Some parameters allow you to select more than one choice. For example, the parameter shown below allows you to select one or more majors.

Multiple Select Parameter

Selecting a checkbox causes data for that choice to be included on the report. For example, if you select the ACCT and BIOL checkboxes in the example above, then data for all records with an accounting major and data for all records with a biology major would be included in the report.

Note: Most multiple-select parameters have a Select All option. This option allows you to select all of the checkboxes at once. (If you want to select most, but not all, of the checkboxes, then select the Select All checkbox and uncheck the checkboxes that you don't want.)

Special Parameters

Some reports may contain special parameters, such as Include Blank, Do Not Limit By Campus Orgs, or Include Blank Mail Rules.

For more information on how these and other special parameters work, contact the person in your department who requested the report.

Null Parameter Option

On some reports, you may see a Null checkbox next to a parameter. Selecting a Null checkbox causes the associated parameter to be ignored.

Null Checkbox