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Check Out a File for Editing

Depending on how a site's Documents library is configured, you may need to check out a file before you can edit it. (Checking out a file prevents other people from editing it at the same time.)

When you check out a file, it's not available for others to edit until you have checked it back in, and your changes won't be visible to others until you have checked the file back in.

A file that has been checked out will have red circle icon across from the file name. When you hover the cursor over this icon, a pop-up window will appear and show the name of the person who has checked out the file.

To check out a file, right-click the file's Show actions (three dots) icon and select More - Check Out.

Check Out

When you're finished editing the file and ready to check it back it, right-click the file's Show actions (three dots) icon and select More - Check In.

Check in