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Home - Information Services - Get Help - How-to-Guides - SharePoint - Files - Share a File

Share a File

  1. Hover your cursor over the file that you want to share and then click it's Share icon.

  2. By default, the shareable link will work for anyone with a Monmouth College network account. If you want the link to work only for certain people who have Monmouth College network accounts, then click People in Monmouth College with the link can view and select Specific people.
  3. If you selected Specific people in the step above, then enter the MC email addresses of the recipients in the To: Name, group, or email field.

    To: Name, group, or email
  4. If you want the recipients to be able to edit the file, then select Allow editing.

    Allow editing
  5. If you allowed editing in the previous step and want the recipients only to be able to add comments and make tracked changes, then select Open in review mode only.

  6. If you didn't allow editing in step 4 and want to prevent the recipients from downloading the file, then select Block download.

    Block download
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Either click Copy link and paste the shareable link into an email or text message, click Outlook to have an email window open that contains the shareable link, or specify the MC email addresses of the recipients, enter a message (optional), and click Send to have SharePoint send an email that contains the shareable link.