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Turn On Your Away Greeting

Turn On Your Away Greeting in Outlook Web App
Turn On Your Away Greeting Using the Phone

Turn On Your Away Greeting in Outlook Web App

  1. Click the Settings Settings Icon icon in the upper-right corner of the page.
  2.  In the Settings pane on the right, under Your app settings, click Mail.

  3.  In the Options pane on the left, under General - Voice Mail, click Greetings.

  4. Under Greetings, select the desired option.

    Greeting Options
  5. Click Call me to play or record the selected greeting.

    Call me to play or record the selected greeting

  6. If desired, change the on-campus phone extension (e.g., 2016) or enter an off-campus phone number (e.g., 7-1-555-555-5555 or 555-555-5555).

    Dial Field
  7. Click Dial.
  8. Answer the phone and follow the prompts to record the greeting.

Turn On Your Away Greeting Using the Phone

  1. From an on-campus phone, dial your phone extension.
  2. At the prompt, enter your PIN and then press the # key.
  3. At the prompt, say Personal Options (voice user interface) or press 6 (touch tone interface).
  4. At the prompt, press 1 to turn on your away greeting. (If you haven't recorded an away greeting or would like to re-record it, then you'll be prompted to do so.)