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Transfer a Call

Transfer a Call to Your Voice Mail
Transfer a Call to Another Phone Number

Transfer a Call to Your Voice Mail

  1. If you're using Outlook, then click the File tab, click Manage Voice Mail (shown below), and log in to the Outlook Web App voice mail page.

    Manage Voice Mail

    If you're using Outlook Web App, then click Options (shown below), select See All Options, and click Phone on the left.

  2. Click New Rule.

    New Rule
  3. Under Add Conditions, select the desired condition and specify any additional information needed for it.

    Rule Conditions
  4. Click Save and Close.

    Save and Close

Transfer a Call to Another Phone Number

  1. If you're using Outlook, then click the File tab, click Manage Voice Mail (shown below), and log in to the Outlook Web App voice mail page.

    Manage Voice Mail

    If you're using Outlook Web App, then click Options (shown below), select See All Options, and click Phone on the left.

  2. Click New Rule.

    New Rule
  3. Under Add Conditions, select the desired condition and specify any additional information needed for it.

    Rule Conditions
  4. Under Provide the caller with this menu, select Transfer the caller to...

    Transfer the caller to...
  5. In the For field, enter the desired text (e.g., urgent matters).

    For Field
  6. In the Phone number field, either enter an on-campus phone extension (e.g., 2106) or an off-campus phone number (e.g., 7-1-555-555-5555).
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click Save and Close.

    Save and Close