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Magnifier is a feature you can use to zoom in on parts of the screen.

Turn Magnifier On & Off

To turn on Magnifier, press Windows logo key Windows Key + Plus sign (+).

To turn off Magnifier, press Windows logo key Windows Key + Esc.

Zoom In & Out

To zoom in and out, click the plus and minus icons on the Magnifier window.

Plus and Minus icons

Change the Magnifier View

Magnifier has three views: Full Screen, Lens, and Docked.

Full Screen view is the default view. In Full Screen view, Magnifier will follow your mouse pointer or arrow keys. Lens View changes Magnifier to a box that you can move around on the screen, and Docked view anchors Magnifier at the top of the screen.

To change the view, click the Views down arrow and select the desired option.


Change the Magnification Intervals

  1. Click the Settings icon.

    Settings icon
  2. Click the Change zoom increments down arrow and select the desired option.


More Information

More information about Magnifier is available at