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Recent Student Experiences

Internships in Communication and Theatre


Andrew Almberg -- Monmouth Review Atlas (sports writing)

Hayley Hodge -- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Springfield  (public relations)

Elizabeth Liput -- Merrill Lynch, Merrillville (broker services)

Corey McCann -- Galesburg Cottage Hospital (public relations)

Anne Olson -- Buchanan Center for the Arts, Monmouth (arts management)

Lena Orlandini -- Monmouth Review Atlas (news writing)

Brien Rakoci -- Monmouth College Communications office (public relations)

Lisa Rzeszutko -- O'Connor Casting, Chicago

Katie Stitt -- Viacom Europe, London (various media including MTV)

Matt Troha -- Monmouth College Communications office (sports information)

Lauren Warner -- Orpheum Theatre, Galesburg (theatre/arts management)

Jeff Zurawicz -- WMOI radio, Monmouth (broadcasting and promotions)


Angela Peterson (2) -- Monmouth College Admissions Office

Randi Shedlosky -- College Communications Office (web features writer)

Megan Smith -- ESPN  Chicago (general broadcasting internship including ESPN radio and advertising activities)

Jerone Tyler -- Monmouth College Communications Office (web-based admissions video production, producer/director)

Jeff Zurawicz -- Monmouth Review Atlas (sports writing)


Geoff Edwards -- College Relations and Admissions (Public Relations)

Ben Fishel -- WMOI radio in Monmouth (Radio Broadcasting)

Antonio Grasso -- Monmouth Review Atlas (Print Media)

Clarence Hollingsworth -- Monmouth College Admissions Office (Recruiting)

Jared Knutstrom -- College Communications Office (Work on web design and upkeep of web sites)

Kara Kurts -- WMBD-TV Peoria (Television Production)

Brandi McCoy -- Office of College Relations (Public Relations)

Carolyn Mongelluzzo -- College Relations Office (Fund Raising)

Kathryn Overbeek -- Monmouth Review Atlas (Print Media)

Amanda Rasmussen -- WPEG Peoria (Radio Broadcasting)

Rob Smith -- WMOI radio in Monmouth (Radio Broadcasting)

Beth Tourek -- Media Call Macomb (Marketing and Advertisting)

Josh Zaffino -- Multiplex Health and Fitness Center Chicago (Marketing and Public Relations)


Heather Allen -- Monmouth College Admissions Office

Tracy McKeown -- Warren County United Way (PR)

Megan Sluis -- Monmouth College Communications Office

Melanie Brown -- WMBD-TV Peoria, IL

Heather Allen -- Monmouth College Admissions Office

Sarah Glascock -- Northern Illinois University Summer Activities Office (PR)

Mary McGregor -- WMOI Radio, Monmouth, IL

John Orvis                            

Megan Sluis -- Training and Development, Caterpillar Track Vehicles, Peoria, IL

Shelly Stienbarger     

Stephanie Gorski -- Review Atlas, Monmouth, IL


Kathleen Brunner -- Radio Internships - WMOI/WRAM (production), l0l.9FM,

Chicago (promotion assistant)

Clint LaFary -- Peoria Chiefs minor league baseball team (marketing, promotions, staff supervision, announcing)

Mary MacMillan -- WEEK-TV, Peoria (general television)

Keezia Scott -- Customer Service, Bank One, Chicago, IL

Katherine Sydney -- Defense Information Institute, Washington, D.C. (media liaison)

Katherine Weinstein -- WHOI-TV, Peoria (news)

Kevin Williamson -- Monmouth College Cable Television Co-producer (programming)


Page Domikaitis -- Theatre Intern, Prairie Players, Galesburg, IL (production and directing assistant)

Cynthia Elder -- WMOI/WRAM Radio, Monmouth, IL, General Broadcasting

Peggy Harms -- Monmouth College, Public Relations and Admissions Office

Ann Jensen -- Annual Fund and Phonathon Assistant, Monmouth College Alumni Office

Michael Jones -- WQAD-TV 8 Sports (camera work, editing, reporting)

Christy Keller -- Monmouth College, Admissions Office

Angie Kemper -- Monmouth College, Admissions Office

Mary MacMillan -- WMOI/WRAM Radio, Monmouth, IL, General Broadcasting

Emily Moore -- Substance Abuse Counseling Intern, Bridgeway, Inc.,  Galesburg, IL

Erin Moore --

Brett Nelson -- Monmouth Review Atlas (sports and general reporting)

Calvin Rowland -- WRMJ-FM Aledo, IL (general on-air experience)

Jennifer Silva -- Washington, D.C. (Political communication)

Amy Stark -- Monmouth College, Public Relations and Admissions Offices

Heather Whiting - WMOI-FM Radio (promotion/staff work)


Scott Bayer -- Law Offices of Scott Shipplett. (Criminal and bankruptcy law)

Tim Brown -- Monmouth College, Public Relations Office

Jane Carlson -- The Inkwell. (wrote and produced the English Department Alumni Magazine, developed web publications)

Ann Jensen -- Admissions Office, Monmouth College

Sharon Jirgl -- Costume Department, Oak Park Shakespeare Theatre

Michael Jones -- WMOI/WRAM Sports Broadcasting and General Radio

Carrie Knauer -- (Fox)TV, Bloomington, IL. (production)

David Laben -- Monmouth Community Hospital (public relations)

Mary Palmgren -- Caterpillar (track division) Corp., Peoria. (public relations)

Carie Anne Rogers --


Chad Briggs -- College Communications, Monmouth College (website development)

Jennifer Doggett -- Admissions Office, Monmouth College

Molly Fillip -- WMOI/WRAM Radio, Monmouth, IL., General Broadcasting

Ryan Moore -- Monmouth Community Memorial Hospital (public relations)


Brian Fell -- Enterprise Car Rental, Galesburg, IL (management/ marketing)

Nate Hoffman -- WMOI/WRAM Radio, Monmouth, IL, (production/advertising)

Mike Louck -- WMOI/WRAM Radio, Monmouth, IL., (general broadcasting)

Jennifer Meuth -- College Communications, Monmouth College

Heidi Spilman -- Buchanan Center for the Arts, Monmouth, IL. (arts management)

John Terry -- Monmouth Review Atlas (advertising)


Jennifer Clark -- Public Relations, Monmouth College

Melinda Cudney -- WRAM/WMOI Radio, Monmouth, IL

Amie Deyo -- Buchanan Center for the Arts, Monmouth, IL. (arts management)

Angus MacMillan -- WRAM/WMOI Radio, Monmouth ,IL.

Jennifer Miller -- Public Relations, Community Memorial Hospital, Monmouth, IL

Dave Patinella - Production, KLJB-TV, Davenport, IA


Mickey Askew -- Howard Alan Promotions, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (public relations) and Senior Life and Leisure, Galesburg, IL (marketing)

Chris Booher -- WRAM/WMOI Radio, Monmouth, IL.

Andrea Hicks -- Monmouth Review Atlas (reporting/writing)

Jennifer Hootselle -- Public Information Office, Monmouth College (video producer)

John McPheeters -- Miami Herald, Miami, FL (marketing)


Floyd Boykin -- K-TV, St. Louis, MO (Ass=t. Producer)

Jessica Bunch -- Public Information, Monmouth College (writing)

Lealonnie Elliot -- Arts Management, Buchanan Center for the Arts, Monmouth, IL.


Teresa Christiansen -- WGIL/WAAG, Galesburg (radio sales)

Lealonnie Elliot -- Buchanan Center for the Arts (PR)

Wendy Raymond -- Public Information Office, Monmouth College Community Memorial Hospital, Monmouth (PR)

Tammy Shell -- Community Memorial Hospital (PR)


Rob Herzog -- Monmouth Review Atlas (reporting, writing)

Edith Godby -- WRAM-WMOI Radio, Monmouth, IL

R. Trent Griffith -- WRAM-WMOI Radio (agricultural news)

Teresa Christiansen -- KJMH-TV, Burlington, IA (general television production, news, ad writing, etc.)

Tracie Stahl -- WGIL/WAAG Radio, Galesburg, IL. and WQAD-TV, Moline, IL (news, writing, broadcasting, production)




Amanda Grissom '19

Johnny Williams '17

Toni Ward '16



Monmouth College Department of Theatre
700 East Broadway, Monmouth Illinois 61462 :: Copyright © 2005-2021