My name is Kate Drost I am a sophomore here at Monmouth College. I am a CATA, PR, and Business Major. I am playing the customs official, third man, health official and, airport security. This process started out as an audition which was a most hysterical thing to go through. Professor West, who is the director, has a very specific way of auditioning. She believes that you can read, so her auditions are movement and improvisation based. I did this goofy thing that was acting like a dinosaur, which I love to do anyway, but it turned into something everyone had a good laugh at. I think that is why out of all auditions, I love West’s the best, because its fun. I am all about the fun in things, even if it’s something as work intense as an honors 4th level trigonometry class; I love the fun in things. For some reason one of the exercises was that we were stuck to the floor and then a huge swarm of bees came and attacked us till we died…it was so bizarre, but amazingly entertaining for all. We did read and got a feel for the language and the tempo of the script.
Our first read through was pretty funny, most of us had never read the script the whole way through so it was a really fun experience for everyone. This was a good chunk of time just to bond really. Another time was when we went to one of the houses off campus to watch “The Third Man” which was just a fun time within itself. I am really excited for the show to start to come together as a production now that I have just taken a bite out of the vision of what it could be. I am also really excited to continue my time here in the Monmouth Theater.
The second blog, for the second week. This week has been completely nuts! We are finally done with the blocking that was required of everyone to get done. Now as West says, its up to us to get our lines memorized so she can shape the show. My favorite days are Sundays because I love to move around and act like an idiot. Wow, memorization is a crazy feat, between classes and extracurricular activities. Janeve has already been promising doughnuts for changes that people will make to better the show, for example, remembering blocking or not maintaining and actor habit. Which makes me wonder if she is classically conditioning us. I have found that if you take the show, and make everything symbolic, the show becomes more complicated than it sounds. West made me think of this when her over riding question “What does the rabbit mean?” kept popping into my head this week. So it has been really scatter-brained this week, though what else could you expect from rehearsal.
Practice is going really well. West is saying that we are on the ball and are doing very well. This is really good because at the end of the day after a lot of work or making choices that may or may not be the best, it makes you feel good that even if you mess up really bad, you learned something from it and that is the key. Which leads me to say that I am really happy that this show is more of a class than anything at this point…it just has a final product that is not a test. I am realizing yet again that theater is an amazing time for me to just shut everything in my life out and concentrate on the tasks at hand…During warm-ups there are several things that you have to think about, who is chasing, escaping, shapes, tempo, level and following not including windows and doors…You just forget completely about the crap that is going on in your life, at home, in the dorm, or even with someone else in the cast. I am a little nervous about lines and transitions…but it will come together.
Oh yes, and I have been keeping a tally, for those in the cast here is how we stand.
B=4 S=1 K=1 MM=3 Mis=2 E=1
Here at Kate headquarters, there has been a huge
rise in stress!...okay so the show is creeping closer and closer! Its like
watching a pot boil, you know it takes time, and your know you haven’t really
gotten the pasta out yet…but you want it to happen so badly! In this odd
comparison that I have made, I mean that I know that the show couldn’t be put on
tomorrow, but I sure as heck know that we are well on our way. The break always
set a show back, and it was a tiny step that we took backward, but it was sooo
noticeable! And now with a new cast member the first cast must ultimately, as
West loves to say, “GET OUR POOP IN A PILE” and make it through this week and
the next. We are doing well, considering that we have half the cast slightly
injured. Which incase anyone is wondering a responsibility to your fellow cast
to stay well
I am still nervous about being no call, but I think I am ready, I just need to
step back and take a second to breathe. I need to work on breathing…not just now
when I am hyped up from practice, but when I am on stage, I notice I am rushing
all of my lines and I cannot be understood. There is my goal for the
Incase anyone wanted the count…here it is!
BrL=2 Brt.=6 S=3 K=3 Mis.=4 E=4
This experience has been one of fun and crazy times. A lot of my blogs dealt with things like gym class and small little hic-ups that weren't necessarily upsetting or frustrating, they just were. Now that the shows went well, and the cast has dispersed...I miss it! I miss my cast! I miss my nights being completely booked! I MISS THE DOUGHNUTS!!! Seriously though, this experience is another one for the scrapbook, one that is perfectly fitting for it as well. West pushed and it truly did become the players show, and Stacey's show, and now having two members going to ACTF for the acting competion, and our senior stage manager going as well, it is quite a time of pride. I am truly proud to say that I was in this cast in this show, and I had a dang good time!