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THEA 377


Fall 2010



Janeve West, M.F.A.                                                                                                    Office Hours: TWR 11 :-- = 12:00

Rm 305 Wallace Hall                                                                                                                       or by appointment


Course Information:

Tuesday/Thursday       2:00 – 3:15      The WIT Theater   Basement of HT


Required Texts:           The Director’s Vision by Louis Catron

MC Theatre Handbook,

Frequent scripts and handouts as given by the instructor


Other Necessary Materials: composition notebook, large three-ring binder


Recommended, but not required: 
             Backwards and Forwards by David Ball

Directors on Directing by Toby Cole and Helen Krich Chinoy

In contact with the Gods?  Directors talk theater. ed. By Maria Delgado and Paul Heritage

MC Academic Calendar -


West’s Course Materials Website:


Note: A LOT of communication will happen via e-mail to your Monmouth College account and the Google Group Discussion Board.  Be sure to check both every day.

 Course Description:

This course offers a basic introduction to the craft, art and history of stage directing.  It will offer the study of the practical and theoretical elements of directing, and is intended for the serious student of the theater.  Readings in history, theory and production organization are combined with practical exercises in analysis, blocking, composition, action, movement, focus, the actor-director relationship and various other elements of the director’s craft.  This course will culminate in the direction of a short one-act or cutting. 

 Course Objectives:

This course will allow students the opportunity to:

 1.        Develop a broad knowledge of the history, language, processes, and theoretical practices of directing a theatrical production.

2.        Develop a formalized approach to the directing process from the choosing of a script, analysis, development of a directorial concept and finally the directing of a one-act play or cutting.

3.        Begin to develop a personal approach to casting, rehearsal and production process through readings, responses, reflection exercises and direct application.

4.        Continue personal development as an artist through response, reflection and self-evaluation projects and exercises.

5.        Effectively articulate and evaluate production concepts using professional language, theory and standards.


Course Requirements:

 Class Participation –   Approximately a total of 120 points (about 4 pts per day)

The art and craft of theatre requires many people in full participation. Class attendance and full participation will be a crucial element in this class.  Class participation could be accounted for through any or all of the following: The completion of in-class activities,  timely attendance, successful completion of questions on the readings, completion of daily assignments and/or an assessment of positive class participation.  Participation will be determined by the instructor.  These assignments cannot be made up except in the case of extreme extenuating circumstances. 

 Tests –            

There are currently 4 tests scheduled for the semester.  These tests will be given at the beginning of the class period noted in the schedule.  Students who miss tests because of absence or tardiness will not be permitted to make them up except in the case of extreme extenuating circumstances.  Please note the tardy policy below. 

 Show Attendance and Directorial Analysis – 

Show Attendance – (6)

·         Students must attend all Monmouth College Theater Season Productions (including MPAACT and Fall Showcase) and one outside production.  To prove attendance, the student will turn in both a ticket stub and program of the attended performance no later than the Tuesday following the performance.   Attendance will be scored with the analysis; attendance of the 3rd – 6th  performance will be scored as a part of the daily participation grade. 

·         Students must also attend any pre or post show discussions for any Monmouth College Theatre Season Production.

·         Students are not required, but are welcome to sit in on any ACTF responses to productions.

·         Failure to attend the required productions, pre/post show discussions will result in a significant decrease in the final participation grade.

Directorial Observation and Analysis –

Students will write two Directorial Analysis.  Critiques must be written for a Monmouth College Production (not the Fall Showcase).  Students CAN write on a production in which they are performing, but CAN NOT write on their own work.  Some adjustments will apply.  Format and details of the structure and content of these analysis will be covered during a class period in the early part of the semester. 

 Discussion Board

Each student will be required to post questions and responses to a google groups discussion board.  At the beginning of each week a question will be posted.  Students will be asked to provide a minimum of one, 250 word response to the question AND at least one question pertaining to course materials.  These two posts do not have to occur at the same time.

 Presentation –

Each student will be asked to research and present information on an influential director.  This will be an individual project.  Details of this presentation will be discussed at a later date.  A list of possible directors can be found below.  Students who miss presentations because of absence or tardiness will not be permitted to make them up except in the case of extreme extenuating circumstances.  Please note the tardy policy below

 Lab Assignments –

Almost weekly, students will be asked to complete a variety of “Lab Assignments.”  These assignments can range from creation/completion of appropriate documents to the staging of short pieces.  Details of these assignments will be given out weekly.  Students will not be graded for the taste or aesthetic of the staging, but rather in proof of the application of skills.  These Lab Assignments will be presented and discussed at the beginning of class.   Students who miss the presentation of Lab Assignments because of absence or tardiness will not be permitted to make them up except in the case of extreme extenuating circumstances.  Please note the tardy policy below

 Final –

Directing Prompt Book

Each student will be required to generate, compile and present a wide variety of directing materials.  Individual materials will be reviewed at Production Meetings throughout the semester.  Materials can include:  Resume, Contact lists, Cover Letter, scene breakdowns, costume breakdowns, schedules, and all other necessary materials required for the direction of a one-act or short cutting of a play.  A compilation of these materials will be presented on the date of your final.  Final Prompt Book grade will be based on completeness and successful completion of checkpoints throughout the semester.  Format to be discussed at a later date.

 Successful Production

Each student will be required to direct a short one-act or cutting ranging from 12 – 15 min.  A successful production is one in which the director proves a thorough and prompt communicator, organizer of information, skilled manager of materials/people/space and time, and exhibits an ample amount of preparation.  Performance must meet the required format.  Students who fail to attend the entirety of the Technical Rehearsal, Tech Week and run of the production will automatically fail the entire assignment.


On the date of the final, students will be required to present the directing portion of their e-portfolio.  This material must be uploaded onto the web, complete in content and clear in layout.  Format to be discussed at a later date.


Pop Quizzes – I reserve the right to pop-quiz at any time.

Extra Credit:  Students can choose ONE of the below (feel free to do the others…but it won’t count toward your grade.

50 total points for successful completion of one of the following…

·         Registration and promised participation in the KCACTF Region III Design Storm and completion of the required “Morgue” and a 500 word (total) synopsis of the student’s top three scripts.

·         Registration and promised participation in the KCACTF Region III SCD Award Competition, presentation of materials/performance at the Fall Showcase. This project can be completed in “Mock” fashion as well.  Please see the instructor for details.

KCACTF Region III Website -


·         Creation of a “Common Place Book” with 25 complete entries.  See instructor for details.

Text Box: Grading Scale - 
A         =          92-100      
A-        =          90-91
                        B+       =          88-89
                        B         =          82-87
                        B-        =          80-8l
                        C+       =          78-79
                        C         =          72-77
                        C-        =          70-7l
                        D+       =          68-69
                        D         =          62-67
                        D-        =          60-61
                        F          =          below 60


Participation  (30) x 4 =                      120 pts.          

Directorial Analysis (2) x 100 =          200 pts.

Presentation (1) x 100 =                      100 pts.

Discussion Board (12) x 10 =             120 pts.

Lab Assignment (8) x 10 =                   80 pts.

Test (4) x 100 =                                   400 pts.

Final –

            Prompt Book                           200 pts.

            Successful Production                50 pts.

            E-Portfolio                                50 pts.          

                                                            1,120 pts.

Course Policies:


Your participation in this course is essential; as a result, so is attendance.  In the event of illness or other mitigating circumstances, you are allowed to miss 2 class periods without penalty.  Each subsequent absence after 2 will result in a one-full letter grade reduction of your final grade.  For instance, a final grade of A would be reduced to B with three absences; C with four absences; D with five absences; and F with six or more absences.  An excused absence will ONLY be granted to those students who are directly involved in a Monmouth College event such as a sporting event, debate tournament or music concert AND are on the list of students sent out to faculty by said coach, director, or event sponsor.  Extraordinary circumstances will be dealt with on a one-to-one basis as needed and at the instructor’s discretion.


            Students arriving 10 min. after the start of class will automatically be counted as absent.  Extraordinary circumstances will be dealt with on a one-to-one basis as needed and at the instructor’s discretion.  Students who frequently cancel and/or arrive late to rehearsals will incur a severe penalty on their final project.

 Missed Assignments/Class Work/Presentations:

Performances/exams will only be rescheduled in extraordinary circumstances and at the instructor’s discretion.  Written assignments which are handed in any time after the beginning of class on the “due date” will be penalized at the rate of one letter grade per day.  If you are unable to turn in your materials at this time, the professor asks that you NOT interrupt class to “negotiate” a later turn-in date.  Speak with the professor after class. 

 Readings and Handouts :

Students will be given reading assignments from the text, as well as numerous handouts.  It is the responsibility of the student to read and maintain all materials, as well as gather all materials, notes, and handouts covered during the student’s absence.  Know that it is the Student's responsibility to gather any and all information/materials missed in class.  Do not ask, “Did I miss anything?” at the start of the next class period.  

Sexual Harassment :

            This course will observe the college’s guidelines for avoiding sexual harassment.  However, because theatre imitates human living and because sexuality is part of life, some materials in this course may deal with behaviors, situations, physical proximity or language which could be deemed as sexual or intimate.  People offended by such subjects or images may want to reconsider taking this course.  Also, because of the physical nature of movement training, occasional physical contact is required for the proper guidance and evaluation of training.  If contact of this kind can not be permitted, the decision to take this course should be reconsidered.
            Student directors are compelled to behave with the highest level of professionalism at all times and to adhere to the campus sexual harassment policy found at this website:   Student director and/or actors who feel uncomfortable due to rehearsal behavior are asked to speak to a theatre faculty member immediately.

Food/Drink in the Theatre:

            No food or drink is allowed in either the WIT or the Wells Theatre.  Exceptions:  Water in a bottle and any food/drink used in the performance of a production.  If food/drink is used in a production, the director must ensure that all food is disposed of in the hallway trash can and no trash is left behind.

 Weapons as props -
Any weapon brought in to the classroom under the auspices of a “prop” must immediately be cleared through the instructor and LOUDLY announced to the room.


            By Illinois law, no smoking is allowed in any public building.  This includes the use of herbal cigarettes and pipes in theatrical productions. 


            Daily Participation is of great importance to the understanding and implementation of movement based Techniques.  Classes will be filled with physical activities on a daily basis.  Please wear comfortable clothing appropriate for a high level of movement.  Students are required to wear clothing which will allow for full flexibility and comfort.  Flip flops, heels, dresses, skirts and dangly jewelry will not be permitted and daily points will be lost if student is non-compliant with dress request.  Feet will be covered at all times with either shoes or socks.  Students choosing to return to their dorms to change clothes will be held to the attendance/absence and tardiness policies above.

Civility in the Classroom :

Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning.  In order to assure such an environment, unless otherwise approved by the instructor, students are prohibited from using cellular phones or beepers, eating or drinking, (water bottles with tops are allowed) making offensive and/or defamatory remarks, reading newspapers/magazines, sleeping, bringing a weapon of any kind, or engaging in any other form of distraction in the classroom.  In the case of a violation of this policy, the instructor will note the behavior and expect it to immediately cease.  In case of a second violation the student will lose their daily points and the instructor could schedule a meeting with the student to discuss the Civility in the Classroom policy.  In the case of a third violation, the instructor will refer the student to the department chair who will schedule a meeting with the student.  At this meeting or any subsequent meeting, the student will be notified that their behavior could result in the immediate removal from the course and immediate referral to the Office of the Dean of Students for disciplinary action. 



Making the unauthorized or unacknowledged use of others' words or ideas is plagiarism. It will result in a final grade of "F" for the course and may result in further penalties. If at any time you are unsure, ask!  Plagiarism is discussed further in the College documents available online.   Students who “sneak in” an assistant director to their rehearsals will be severely penalized on their final project.

 Students with Special Needs:

If you are a student with special educational needs, you must inform the professor personally as to the nature of those needs, in writing via e-mail, within one week of the beginning of the course or the receipt of this syllabus. Please consult the appropriate college offices for further information.  Students requesting accommodations because of physical or mental challenge need to be register with this office in order for the professor to grant accommodations. Mid-term or ex-post facto appeals to physical or mental challenge will only be considered when requested in written with an explanation of why the accommodations were not requested at the beginning of the semester in writing and when the student had not contacted the appropriate college offices prior to that request.


Grade Telephone Inquiries:

The professor will not discuss a student’s grade with anyone other than said student unless the student whose grades are being discussed arranges for a release form.  If the student wishes to discuss their grade, the student must make an appointment with the professor to do so.  Students wishing an update of their current grade in the class may make the request via e-mail.


Director’s Impact Presentation, List of Possible Topics –

Bertolt Brecht                          Joanne Akalaitis                      Jerzy Grotowski        Zelda Fichandler                      Richard Foreman                     Harold Clurman

Peter Sellars                             Peter Brook        Ariane Mnouchkine                 Anne Bogart        Mary Zimmerman                    Joseph Chaikin

Vsevolod Meyerhold               Elia Kazan


MC Theatre Season -

The Learned Ladies – by Moliere - September 30-October 3, 2010

The Vagina Monologues – by Eve Ensler - October 22-24, 2010
MPAACT – Chicago Theatre Troup – Wells Theatre – 7:00

The Three Sisters – by Anton Chekov - November 18-21, 2010

The Directing Class One-Acts – November 30 – December 2, 2010

The Children’s Hour - by Lillian Hellman – February 24 – 27, 2011

The Tempest – By William Shakespeare – Performances at the Orpheum Theatre in Galesburg – April 9, 10