

Fine Arts Month Celebration
2009-Trip to Chicago


12 Students from the Art, Music and Theatre Departments were chosen to
represent Monmouth College at the first annual Fine Arts Celebration trip. 
We chose to kick off this event with a trip to Chicago. 
Students were chosen for their outstanding leadership, talent
and committment to their department.  The weekend events included a
Chicago Shakespeare produciton of Richard III, and afternoon at the
Art Institute of Chicago and a produciton of Hernani at Chicago's Lyric Opera.

The 2010 Fine Arts Celebration Trip will be to St. Louis, MO.

Representing the Theatre Department:  Jenny Erbes, Nick Munson, Ken Yeater and Sarah Kindt
Represeting the Art Department: Aubreigh Moon, Arjun Amrik Singh Ahluwalia, Jack Clifford and Kassi Heald-Schmelzer
Representing the Music Department: Tim Seyller, Melissa Lindsay, Hang Nguyen, and Lauren Francis

Faculty: Ian Moschenross, Stacy Lotz, Janeve West, Julia Andrews