Monmouth College Department of Biology


  Monmouth College  •  Haldeman-Thiessen Science Center  •  309-457-2394



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Clubs and Activities
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." -- Helen Keller

Beta Beta Beta
For over half a century, Monmouth College has been home to one of the oldest chapters of Tri-Beta in the Midwest. The Gamma Pi chapter of this national biological honor society was established at Monmouth in 1945 and for years has further challenged students who have excelled in the biological sciences.

The goals of Tri-Beta are to promote scholarship, research, and the dissemination of knowledge in biology. Students at Monmouth achieve these goals in a variety of ways. Students in Tri-Beta are encouraged to present their research findings at regional Tri-Beta meetings. Tri-Beta members also volunteer to serve as tutors in a wide range of biological sub-disciplines. The honor society also co-sponsors and hosts speakers brought to campus to speak on current biological issues.

S.E.A. - Students for Environmental Awareness
SEA is an active environmental organization on campus open to any student. As the name suggests, this group of energetic students tackles a wide variety of environmental issues on campus and beyond.

S.E.A. continues to support and encourage recycling of materials and conservation of energy on campus. The club has adopted a section of highway 34 east of Monmouth and is responsible for litter pickup, an event that is usually followed by a pizza party.

S.E.A. recently sponsored an OxFam Hunger Banquet to increase awareness of the gross inequities in the distribution of food around the world and raise money to help combat this problem. 

Club members also plan fun activities such as canoe trips in the backwaters of the Mississippi or outings to regional parks. S.E.A. members are frequent contributors to the campus newspaper, educating the broader campus on environmental issues. S.E.A. also co-sponsors environmental speakers that visit campus.

Finally, the club sponsors events at the annual Founder's Day (Ceileigh - pronounced "kay-lee") celebrations held on campus each spring. Whether it's a turtle race or a volleyball tournament, the club always finds a way to have fun and raise money for environmental projects.

Outdoor Recreation
The newly acquired LeSuer Nature Preserve is the site of a variety of habitat restoration projects. Students who enjoy the outdoors are likely to see these restoration projects as a chance for recreation in the great outdoors.

Restoring a native prairie, developing trails, and planting trees are just some of the activities that students in a range of classes may enjoy. The annual ritual of burning the prairies each spring is another event that attracts (and requires) many students. Both Spring Grove prairie and the LeSuer Prairie must be burned each spring to maintain the native flora and fauna.



 Copyright 2008 Monmouth College Department of Biology