This material has been used for many years by Professor Tom Sienkewicz in his courses at Howard University and at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. If you have any questions, you may contact him at


This analysis is based upon A Study of the "Iliad" in Translation by Frank Lowry Clark. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1927).

I. The Trojans reach the trench; prophecy of the future destruction of the wall and trench, I-33

II. Continuation of the battle; since the horses fear to cross the trench, Polydamas advises an attack on foot, 34-79

III. The Trojans attack in five divisions, 80-107

IV. The Asios episode (ending inconclusively), 108-74

V. Various heroes continue the assault upon the wall, 175-94

VI. The omen of the Eagle and the serpent and its interpretation, 195-229

VII. The patriotic outburst of Hector, 230-50

VIII. Hector and the Trojans Attack; the Ajaxes and the Greeks resist, 251-89

IX. The attack of Sarpedon and the Lycians, 290-431

X. Hector at last passes the wall, 432-71

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