This material was placed on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students in CLAS224 Word Elements at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. If you have any questions about this material, you may contact him at



-al (-ial, -eal) pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of
-ane, -an, (-ian) pertaining to like, belonging to, having the character of
-an connected with
-ar pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of
-ose (-iose) full of
-ous (-ious, -eous) full of, having the character of like
-(u)lent, -(o)lent full of, disposed to
-ic, -tic pertaining to like
-ary, -ari- pertaining, connected with, having the character of
-ile, -il pertaining to, like belonging to, having the character of
-ine pertaining to, like, of
-ate, (-ite) possessing, being characterized by
-ant, -ent (-ient) English present participle ending -ing, person who, that which
-able, -ible able to be, able to, tending to
-ile able to be, able to, tending to
-acious tending to, inclined to
-itious tending to, characterized by
-id tending to, inclined to
-uious tending to, inclined to
-ive tending to, inclined to
-uous tending to, inclined to
-ory tending to, serving for

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