CLAS224 Classical Mythology
Revised Schedule (April/May 1999)

Apr. 6 Alcestis.

Apr. 8 Antigone.

Apr. 13 Read Metamorphoses I. Focus on Creation. Daphne and (Deucalion and) Pyrrha. Also Metamorphoses VIII. Focus on (Philemon and) Baucis. Project Prospectus (optional) Due.

Apr. 15 No Class

Apr. 20 Scot's Day

Apr. 22  Read Metamorphoses III. Focus on Diana (and Actaeon), (Narcissus and) Echo, and Tiresias1. MAP/GEOGRAPHY QUIZ

Apr. 27 Read Metamorphoses VI. Focus on Arachne, Procne, Philomela, and Niobe; also Lefkowitz, chapter 1.

Apr. 29 Read Metamorphoses IX. Focus on Venus (and Adonis);  Atalanta; and Acis, Polyphemus, and Galatea. Also Lefkowitz, chapter 2-4. Individualized Project Due.

May 4 .Read Lefkowitz, chapter 5-7.

May 6 2nd UNIT EXAM

May 11 Class Meeting 8-12 Noon Group Presentations and Course Evaluations.

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