INTG305: Sacred Places Past and Present
Department of Classics
Monmouth College


Fall, 2016
NOTE:  This schedule will remain "in progress" throughout the semester. It will be modified as needed. Students are advised to consult this schedule periodically for changes, modifications, and additions.
Part I Introduction to Sacred Places
Tuesday, August 23
Course Introductions
Class Definitions and Impressions of Sacred and Sacred Places.
Give an example of a place which is sacred for you.
What does the word sacred mean to you?
What adjectives describe the word sacred for you?
What makes a place sacred?
Here are the results from the 2014 class: Responses 2014
Writing Assignment
Thursday, August 25
Discussion about
Mormon temples as sacred places.

Writing Assignment
Look at these websites for important vocabulary and definitions:
Sacred Places (General)
. In-Class Project
August 30
Special Opportunity: Walk to Mercy. For more information, see
In-Class Project reports continue.

Today we look at La Mesquite, the
Grand Mosque of Cordoba
September 1
Gray, Martin. Sacred Sites: Places of Peace and Power. Read the essay on this website ( Write out five questions you had as you read the section of the article you were assigned. Then write out a 100-word summary of  this section of the article in your own words. This summary should be emailed to everyone in the class.
Your weekly paper will be your response to class discussion and the class summaries.
Today we look at Stonehenge as sacred space. See especially Caesar, Ed. "What Lies Beneath," Smithsonian 45 (September 2014), pp. 30-41:
Tuesday, September
Prepare a five-minute
personal reflection on your religious background and your own sense of sacred space to share orally with the class. Here is Prof. Sienkewicz' statement. Be sure to bring a written copy of your statement to hand in.
For Thursday, Sept. 15: Write a reflection in which you consider your own statement of sacred space in the context of what other members of the class said. Has your view of sacred space changed in any way as a result of this conversation?
Thursday, September 8
Muir Woods
Look at the following websites for today's class: Sacred Places Around the World.
Sacred Places (Specific) and Mircea Eliade and the Sacred.
Eliade Powerpoint

Part II Mecca
Tuesday, September 13
The Dome of the Rock
and El Aqsa Mosque
Introduction to Mecca
Thursday, September 15
We will watch "Inside Mecca".
Reflection Topic for Tuesday, Sept. 20: Either compare Mecca as a sacred place to other sacred places we have discussed in class (like Stonehenge or a Mormon temple) or discuss features of Mecca which correspond to those discussed on this website  (
Tuesday, September 20
We will watch "Journey to Mecca". In-class writing assignment to follow.

Part III The Camino de Santiago de Compostela
Thursday, September 22
Common Reflective Assignment / Reflective Assignment Guidelines
Special Opportunity: Walk to Mercy
"Temple of the Stars" (intro)
Tuesday, September 27
Read pp. 1-49 of Cuehlo's The Pilgrimage. Today we look at El Camino de Santiago and Professor Sienkewicz will describe his own camino.
Thursday, September 29
"Temple of the Stars" (full):
Read pp. 50-99 of Cuelho's
The Pilgrimage.

Tuesday, October 4
Read pp. 100-149 of Cuelho's The Pilgrimage.
Cuelho's "Road to Santiago" (video)

Thursday, October 6
We will watch the beginning of Martin Sheen's The Way. Be sure to answer the questions on the handout as you watch the film.
Read pp. 150-199 of Cuelho's The Pilgrimage.
Tuesday, October
11 and Tuesday, October 18
We finish watchin
g The Way.
Hand-in your written responses to The Way.
Follow-up discussion on
The Way.
Read pp. 200-261 of Cuelho's The Pilgrimage.
Midcourse Evaluation due before you leave for fall break

Part III Sacred Places in Ancient Greece
Thursday, October 20
Common Reflective Assignment due today.
Also read about the Individualized Project assignment

Tuessday, October 2
Read Pedley, Chapters 1-7
Greek Pantheon / The Pantheon / The Major Gods / 12 Olympian Gods / Genealogical Tables
Gods in Art Powerpoint / Time and Place

Greek Sanctuaries
Due today: Prospectus for your individualized project.
Be sure to sign up today for a 15-minute individual conference next week with instructor about project.

Thursday, October 27
NO regular class.
 Use this class time to prepare your group report on Pedley.

Tuesday November 1
Group Reports on Pedley

Part IV The Shrine of Apollo (Delphi, Greece)
Thursday, November 3
Tuesday, November 8
Thursday, November 10

Read Pedley, Chapter 9
Also look at these websites:
Delphi Powerpoints:
Apollo and Delphi / Delphi Stadium
Homeric Hymn to Apollo

Sienkewicz, Thomas. “Homeric Hymn to Apollo: An Analysis”: (abridged)

Part V Olympia
Tuesday, November 15
Thursday, November 17
Read Pedley, Chapter 6
Olympia Powerpoint /
Tour of Olympia / History of Ancient Olympia / Walking Tour of Olympia /The Temple of Zeus at Olympia
Also look at these websites: Olympia
The Games: Olympic Origins / Olympic Events
Tuesday, November 22
No regular class. Use this time to work on your individualzed project. Prof. Sienkewicz will be available during class time for consultations about projects.
Thursday, November 24 Thanksgiving
Part VI Class Presentations
Tuesday, November 29
Individualized Projects due and Project Presentations
Thursday, December
Presentations Cont.
Tuesday, December 6
Presentations Cont.

Part VII Final Class Meeting
Friday, December 9 (Note date.)
11:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
(Note meeting time.)
Final Oral and Written Statements and Course Evaluations

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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