2006 Annual Meeting


The annual meeting of the Illinois Classical Conference will be held 6-8 October in Springfield, Illinois.  Most of the sessions will take place at the State House Inn where a block of sleeping rooms has been reserved for members.  The luncheon on Saturday will take place at the historic Moldaner’s restaurant and the banquet that night at Sebastian’s Hideout.


The program includes presentations by  Prof. Eleanor Winsor Leach of Indiana University on  both Cicero’s Pro Caelio and De Amicitia, an  introduction to Roman trials by Prof. Michael Alexander, and a discussion by Judy Hayes of New Trier High School about using her new workbook to help prepare students for A.P. questions on the Pro Archia. On a lighter note Marilyn Brusherd will share her slides of Cicero’s villas. In addition Jim Chochola will conduct a session on oral Latin and there will be an opportunity for informal exchange of ideas about pedagogy.  


The meeting is also the time when the business of our organization is conducted.  On Friday evening the Advisory Council will meet over supper at the hotel.  Members arriving at the hotel are invited to join them for an informal social time and snacks starting about 8:00 P.M.   On Saturday there will be a business meeting in which the various activities of the officers and committees will be discussed and on Sunday there will probably be a brief business meeting for the election of officers.


All in all, we hope that you will find this to be a stimulating conference and a wonderful chance to meet with congenial colleagues from around the state.  We shall adjourn early enough on Sunday that you will have to time visit at least one local attraction, per exemplum, the Lincoln Museum.   So do come and bring your family, friends, and colleagues!!


Further Information / Registration Form / Tentative Program / CPDU Information


Alice Mulberry

Latinlives@aol.com                                                                                                          (773) 288-1242