Eta Sigma Phi

2009 Convention Information


The 81st Annual Eta Sigma Phi Convention will be hosted by Beta Psi Chapter at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN, March 27-29, 2009.  The convention will begin with a registration and reception from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., followed by a welcoming program and certamen at 7:00 p.m., on Friday, March 27, and will end at approximately 12 noon on Sunday, March 29 with the election and installation of new national officers. 


Hotel Information

The DoubleTree Memphis ( is located at 5069 Sanderlin Ave, Memphis, TN 38117. Rooms are $107.00 plus tax. Up to four people can stay in one room. Please contact DoubleTree directly by telephone at 1-800-222-TREE or  (901) 767-6666 (direct). Be sure to mention the Eta Sigma Phi Society National Classics Convention. This discounted price cannot be guaranteed after March 6, 2009, nor can hotel reservations be guaranteed after this date.


Need a roommate?

Anyone who would like to share a room should contact either the local chair, Allie Marbry at,. She will collect names and send them to other delegates looking for roommates. Please indicate whether you are male or female, and include your e-mail address, postal service address, and phone number.


Traveling Directions

By Air

The nearest airport is Memphis International Airport. The hotel provides complimentary shuttle service from the airport. Upon arrival in baggage check, simply call the hotel at 901-767-6666 to request pick up by the hotel van.


By Automobile

For driving directions, see


Registration Fee

The pre-registration fee of $85.00 includes miscellaneous costs , field trip and Saturday evening banquet.  Beta Psi at chapter of Rhodes College will provide breakfast snacks on Saturday and Sunday, as well as lunch on Saturday. Delegates will be on their own for dinner on Friday night and lunch on Sunday. The registration fee after March 10, 2009 is $95.00. For more registration instructions, see



Dress will be casual, with the exception of the banquet on Saturday night, when somewhat "dressier" clothes will be appropriate and ancient costume is optional.  A prize will be awarded to the best dressed vir and femina.


Chapter Reports

During the business sessions, one delegate from each chapter will report on the activities of the chapter since the last convention.  Reports should be no more than five minutes long. A $50.00 award will be given at convention for the best Latin promotion service project sponsored by a local chapter.  Chapters interested in competing for this prize should include detailed information about their projects in their chapter reports. Chapter sponsors of all chapters, even those who do not send delegates to the convention, are asked to send an edited and signed electronic copy of their report at by April 30, 2009 for publication in the newsletter. No written reports will be accepted at the convention. Remember that submission of annual activity report is one way to maintain the active status of a chapter.


Convention Highlights

Following the Friday night registration, reception and welcome, there will be a certamen, very much like the College Bowl. Chapters that have at least four delegates will have their own teams, and delegates from other chapters will join to form four-person teams.  There will be prizes for the winning team.   Business sessions will be on Saturday and Sunday mornings.  The convention will conclude by about 12 noon on Sunday with the installation of the new national officers and the selection of a host chapter for the 2010 convention. On Saturday night, there will be a surprise entertainment. On Saturday afternoon, delegates can choose from three field trip options: Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, National Civil Rights Museum (with Lorraine Motel), or Elvis Presley's Graceland. Seating is limited, so reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.


Student Presentations
Undergraduate members of Eta Sigma Phi are invited to submit papers for consideration for presentation at the convention, on Saturday, March 28, 2009.  An artistic (musical, dramatic, etc.) performance may be proposed in lieu of a paper. The papers will be judged anonymously, and the three members whose papers are selected for reading at the convention will have their registration fees remitted.  Students should be certain that they will be able to attend the convention before submitting papers.
1 The presentation should deal with some aspect of classical civilization or language and be directed to an undergraduate audience.  (A paper written for a class is acceptable.)
2.  Members proposing an artistic performance should submit a videotape or CD along with a detailed written description of the performance, its goals, and its relevance to classical civilization.
3.  The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and no longer than 15 minutes in length, or 20 minutes if there are illustrations.  Electronic submissions are encouraged.  
4.   If a presenter plans to use Powerpoint, the Powerpoint must be submitted with the script intended for the presentation included in the "Notes" section of the Powerpoint.
5.  The name of the author should not appear on the paper.
6.   Each submission must include a cover sheet with the author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address, chapter, and institution.
7.  All submissions must be sent electronically to  and be received by February 1, 2009. For artistic performances only the detailed written description must be sent electronically. 

Is your chapter interested in hosting the convention?

Proposals for hosting the 2010 national convention will be considered at this year’s convention.  If your chapter is interested in making a proposal, some things to consider are (1) the support of your adviser; (2) the availability of lodging, either on campus or at a motel or hotel; (3) travel to the convention by air, train, bus, and automobile; and (4) financial support of the chapter, the Department of Classics, the institution, or state and local organizations. For further information see the Call for Bids at:


Are you interested in running for a national office?

Nominations for national officers (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer) will be accepted at the business meeting on Saturday, with the election and installation at the business meeting on Sunday.  Eligible to run for the national offices is any undergraduate student who has been duly initiated into his or her local chapter, with the report of the initiation and the initiation fee sent to the national office.  The national president must be a senior during the year of the office. Candidates must be present for the election process and for the induction ceremony on Sunday. Delegates who have to leave the convention before Sunday noon are not eligible to run for office.



The deadline for submitting proposals for presentations is February 1, 2009.
Hotel reservations cannot be guaranteed after March 6, 2009.

The deadline for pre-registration is March 10, 2009.


We suggest that you arrive early on Friday and plan to leave later on Sunday if you wish to take advantage of the cultural activities and sites available in the Memphis area.  


Check the Eta Sigma Phi website at for last minute updates about the convention.