83rd Annual



March 25-27, 2011

Austin, Texas

(Some members of Gamma Sigma chapter)            

at the invitation of

Gamma Sigma at the University of Texas at Austin

Registration Information / List of Delegates / Program
Call for Bids for 2013 Convention Site

Directions from Austin airport to hotel

Where to Go When You Arrive in Austin   

Hotel Information:                                                                                              
The AT&T Conference Center, 1900 University Avenue, Austin, TX 78705 (

Rooms $159 per night, per room. Up to 4 persons per room at no extra charge. Guests should call the hotel at 877-744-8822 by March 4, 2011, requesting rooms for the Eta Sigma Phi Convention, sponsored by the University of Texas Department of Classics.


The convention will begin with a reception on Friday evening, March 25, 2011, and end with the final business session at 12 o’clock on Sunday, March 27, 2011.  There will be talks by students, reports on chapter activities, scholarly lectures, a certamen, a banquet with ancient dress optional, a performance on Thucydides by the rock band Athens vs. Sparta ( and plenty of time for socializing. Registration fee is $85 per person and includes all meals on Saturday, including the banquet. For more registration information see


Call for Papers and Presentations

Undergraduate members of Eta Sigma Phi are invited to submit papers for consideration for presentation at the convention, on Saturday, March 26, 2011. An artistic (musical, dramatic, etc.) performance may be proposed in lieu of a paper.
The papers will be judged anonymously, and the three members whose papers are selected for reading at the convention will have their registration fees refunded. Students should be certain that they will be able to attend the convention before submitting papers.



1.     The presentation should deal with some aspect of classical civilization or language and be directed to an undergraduate audience.  (A paper written for a class is acceptable.)

2.     Members proposing an artistic performance should submit a videotape or CD along with a detailed written description of the performance, its goals, and its relevance to classical civilization.

3.     The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and no longer than 15 minutes in length, or 20 minutes if there are illustrations. 

4.     If a presenter plans to use Powerpoint, the Powerpoint must be submitted with the script intended for the presentation included in the "Notes" section of the Powerpoint.

5.     The name of the author should not appear on the paper.

6.     Each submission must include a one-page abstract and a cover sheet with the author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address, chapter, and institution.

7.     All submissions must be sent electronically to and be received by February 1, 2011. For artistic performances, only the detailed written description must be sent electronically. 

For more information, contact:

Thomas J. Sienkewicz, Executive Secretary of Eta Sigma Phi

Department of Classics

Monmouth College

700 East Broadway

Monmouth, IL 61462

Phone:  309-457-2371                                                      Fax:  815-346-2565                                                E-mail: