The Brown Recluse Project is coordinated by
Dr. Ken Cramer of the Biology Department at
Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL. With assistance from Mr. Rick
Vetter, an arachnologist at the University of California-Riverside, the
project was initiated in the summer of 2002. The project is not
funded by any external agency and is supported by Monmouth College and
administered by Dr. Ken Cramer.
Goals of the Study
Because of the medical importance
of the spider, we hope a more precise understanding of their distribution
in Iowa and Illinois will help
professionals and the public avoid misidentifications
and therefore misdiagnoses which could delay
proper treatment for other medical conditions. Our study aims to more precisely document where the brown recluse lives in northern
Illinois and southern Iowa.
To accomplish this, we are requesting the
participation of as many interested parties as possible to
send us spiders for identification.
Current Knowledge of Recluse Distribution in Illinois and Iowa
The brown recluse is common in southern Illinois
and becomes less common as you travel north. The recluse is
occasionally found in homes in central Illinois but
records north of Peoria are very rare.
A few isolated brown recluse specimens have been recorded from the greater Chicago
metropolitan area and southern Wisconsin. Only two localities in
the Chicago area (single buildings) have
been confirmed in the past 5 years.
In Iowa, recluses are not common in any part of the
state but they have been recorded in southern counties
and rarely as far north as
Ames. Cold
winter weather may limit the northern distribution of recluses in the
wild in both states, although recluses accidentally transported to
climate-controlled buildings may persist.