COMM 421 - Senior Colloquium Course Resources
last updated 8/14/2011

Description Syllabus 2012 Portfolios Course Resources Assignments Career Planning COMM Major Goals

Starting the Resume

COMM 3/421 Created Materials

Additional Resume Resources

  • Check out some sample resumes (web and traditional) at the bottom of this page: A&A Resumes  but (don't pay their prices just yet).
  • And look at sample resumes and cover letters at student friendly Job Web (from the Association of Colleges and Employers)
  • Employment360 has tips on converting your resume to an electronic friendly format.
  • This link takes you to an unedited list of commercial, non-commercial and other resume related sites.
  • An article on both Web and scannable resumes.
  • Tips on creating a second, scannable resume
  • And, of course, the advice on resumes and various sample resumes  and cover letter tips
