Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016

Description Syllabus 2012 Portfolios Course Resources Assignments Career Planning COMM Major Goals

Requirements for the "Senior Portfolio Review"


Due date:  November 29, or earlier as you prefer.  ( Due means on your portfolio web site -  Email me when your portfolio is ready for review. )


Assignment:  You must complete all portions of your COMM Professional Portfolio by the end of the semester.  In order to receive a grade on the Senior Portfolio Review in COMM 421, the following portions of the web based portfolio must be completed using reasonably good web design techniques.


   1.  The header, footer, and navigation bar must correct and up to date.

   2.  Your "Home" page must look completed and make it clear your are a graduating senior.  This page should serve as an introduction to your portfolio (what's in it ans why) and to you as a potential professional in Communication.  The design and content are entirely open but your goal is to make a good, professional, first impression.  Major reductions in your grade will be taken if there are instances of misspellings, poor grammar, unprofessional language or style, etc.

   3.  Your resume must be posted on the resume page.  Format problems and other elements that make it difficult to read on-line should be corrected.  The page should also contain a link to an Adobe .pdf version of your resume (suitable for printing). If you wish to have navigation links only open the pdf file version of your resume, that is acceptable.

   4.  You must have a completed format for your main "Objectives" page (and for each of the individual goal reflection pages).  This is the "front page" of your effort to document how you have achieved the goals of your COMM major.  A correctly formatted "objectives" page will show clearly how you provide links (to reflection statements and artifacts) for EACH of the goal sections in your major.  The points below identify what a "correctly formatted "Objectives" page is.

  • The "Objectives" page needs to provide an overview of what the process of documenting competencies is all about for readers who may not be familiar with the COMM Portfolio requirement. 

  • It should include a link to the COMM Major Learning Outcomes document.

  • It should be organized in a way that makes it easy for the reader to see which of the four portfolio objectives you are reflecting upon.

  • It must include links to all the reflection statement pages and at least eighteen artifact links.

   5.  For each of the four goal section reflection pages in your portfolio, you will have 4 or 5 "Reflections" that describes how you have met that general goal with links to the related artifacts.  

  • On each of the reflection statement pages should be links (on the right) to the artifacts required in the COMM learning goals (In the rare cases for which a student does not yet have the artifact saved to the portfolio,  list the name of the artifact that is not yet available without the link and indicate the date it will be available in your web). 

  • You should have reflection statements dealing with each artifact linked on each reflections page by the time of your senior review.  [ It is the reflection statement that illustrates your mastery of the goal.]  Artifacts may be papers, web documents and sites, photos or videos, scanned-in tests or evaluation sheets, or any of a variety of other possible materials that can be displayed on the web. 

  • The reflection statements that appear in your portfolio do not have to be in final form, but you must have something written reflecting on each artifact linked and saved to your portfolio at the time I do the senior review for COMM 421.  I will not grade the content of all of the reflections at this time (that will happen in February), but I will check to see if there are reflections dealing with each artifact and will grade a few randomly selected reflections.

  • The artifacts themselves should be displayed in a "new window."

  • PLEASE review the reflection statement checklist!!


For an acceptable "Senior Portfolio" you should include all artifacts required for the portfolio and reflection statements for each artifact on each of the goal reflection pages (even if every reflection statement is not complete or final) for your COMM major.  (Artifacts may not be on your F: drive or home computer).  In those rare circumstances in which you may not have completed a required artifact, you should

  • get permission from Dr. McGaan to include it later

  • identify on the appropriate page what the artifact will be

  • indicate when the artifact will be posted to the portfolio

End of semester Portfolio Review Evaluation Form


last updated 11/1/2011