Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016


Course Description:  An examination of the interrelationships of communication, media, and theatre.  An opportunity to prepare and present projects, and to interact with current practitioners.  Includes analysis and preparation of student portfolios.  Individual and/or small group study.  May include independent research, creative projects.  Will include an overview of new/emerging issues facing COMM graduates, as well as career analysis and preparation.


Required Texts:    Web based materials as provided on this site and in-class handouts

Course Goals and Policies:  The goals of this course include the following: 

  1. to support COMM Senior Majors in documenting the COMM major goals they are expected to meet by graduation. 

  2. to increase student awareness of postgraduate educational and career opportunities in the fields of communication and media. 

  3. to permit students to complete development of a personal COMM portfolio demonstrating their professional knowledge, skills and career competencies.

  4. to continue development of student abilities in web design and visual literacy.

  5. to assist students in beginning the transition from undergraduate to post graduate career and life goals.

    Students are responsible for all assigned material whether or not it is discussed in class and all lecture/discussion material whether or not duplicated by readings.  Although the class will not meet every week, since most content material is provided at class meetings, attendance and participation in class activities is expected.  The principle activity of the course involves completion of the required CATA Professional Electronic Portfolio.  As Seniors you will be expected to work independently on this project and seek assistance as needed
Except for medical or other emergency reasons, assignments will not necessarily be accepted late unless advance arrangements are made.  Enrollment in this course constitutes an agreement by the student to permit the instructor to keep and maintain on file any and all submitted work for the course.  Portfolio materials created and posted to the college portfolio site in fulfillment of course requirements are considered public documents and are available for review by CATA faculty and by fellow students or others.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY CAN RESULT IN FAILING THIS COURSE and will be reported to the Academic Dean.  In this course, violation of copyright protections or privacy rights in a portfolio is considered a form of academic dishonesty.

  Graded Assignments  (and approximate weight of each):


Senior Resume

10 %

Mentoring Assignment

5 %

Portfolio Design Plan


Linked-In Profile completed


Final (Senior) Portfolio

40 % (20% / 10% / 10%) **

Sample Reflection Statements - Content

15 %
samples - 5% | final eval. - 10%)

Participation (including Internship or I.S. description paragraph)

10 %

** The final Senior Portfolio grade will be apportioned as follows:  20% of your final course grade will be based on scores received from the Spring COMM faculty evaluation of the "objectives" section of the portfolio (based on your demonstration/reflections of how you met the objectives of the COMM major;  10% of your final course grade will be based on my overall evaluation of your portfolio at the end of the semester;  15% of your final course grade will be based on an evaluation of the design and "look" of your portfolio at the end of the semester.

At the end of the Fall Semester COMM 421 students will receive the grade of "In Progress" (IP) unless the student has failed to meet minimum expectations for the end of semester portfolio as determined by the senior portfolio check of Dec. 1, in which case the student will receive an "F" and be required to repeat the course next year.  Those receiving an IP will get their final course grade after the Senior COMM Professional Portfolio is completed and evaluated by the COMM Faculty early next semester.  Students must receive a passing grade on the portfolio in order to pass COMM 421.  Final date for completion of the portfolio will be announced before Thanksgiving Break but will be shortly after the beginning of the Spring Semester.

 last updated 8/16/2011