Monmouth College


Intro. to Theatre and Cinema
for Fall, 2000

M W F: 9-9:50 WT

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Douglas B. Rankin
WH 206 (2104) WT (3095)
Home 734-4221 (answering machine)

Office Hours WH 206 MWF--10am-11 am (Wells Theatre) by chance
Other hours by appointment


General Course Information:

1. Textbook & Course Description:

2. Course Objectives:

3. Course Policies

4. Derivation of Grade

Your final grade will be determined by a point system. Each assignment will have a maximum potential value. Your final grade will be determined by the percentage of total points. 

5. Assignments Point Values

6. Calendar Daily Syllabus

        August, September, October, November, December

7. Grades