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Monmouth College
Department of Communication and Theatre Arts

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Specific objectives include: “Students should be able to        


All CATA Majors meet these specific objectives for messages

A.  Construct effective oral and written messages

Measures: The student can ...

  • Identify the Thesis-Purpose-Audience for messages they encounter/create in a variety of settings.

  • Construct an appropriate Thesis and Purpose for the audience they intend in developing a message

  • Identify the Organizational scheme for messages they encounter/create in a variety of settings,

  • Adapt an appropriate and effective organizational scheme for messages they create relative to the thesis, purpose and audience they select

  • Use multiple channels/media (e.g. face-to-face, written, digital, etc.) appropriately and effectively for delivery of their messages

B.  Discover and use support material effectively in a variety of message types.

Measures: The student can...

  • Evaluate the support material and reasoning in messages they encounter

  • Effectively use support material to reason logically and effectively in messages they construct givven their thesis, purpose and audience.

  • Acquire and Evaluate information from a variety of sources print and electronic, as a critical part of developing a thesis and constructing an effective message.

 C.  Use appropriate theory and standards for message construction

Measures: The student can

  • Use the audience’s knowledge, attitudes, motives and values to effectively construct persuasive messages that alter opinion, belief or action.

  • Understand the role of context in interpreting and constructing messages,

  • Understand and adopt appropriate ethical standards in their communicative lives.

Media Concentration majors meet these additional message objectives 

D.  use basic media message forms effectively (e.g. press releases, radio ad copywriting, etc.

E.  Apply message strategies and theory to multi-media message construction

Theatre Concentration majors meet this additional message objective

F.  Use language to discuss production concepts effectively whether as an actor, director, critic, designer or technician.




Specific objectives include: Students should be able to

All CATA Majors meet these specific objectives for contexts

A.  Understand the role of interpretation in how we respond to messages and texts in a variety of situations.

B.  Demonstrate familiarity with the historical and contemporary context (e.g. political, legal, social) of communication practices.

Communication Concentration majors meet these additional context objectives 

C.  Demonstrate familiarity with the current state of theory and knowledge in the field on topics taken from several communication contexts.

D.  Understand the formative role communication plays in the development of personal identities, communities, organizations and society.

Media Concentration majors meet these additional context objectives 

E.  Understand media theory and research

F.  Possess a basic understanding of the acquisition and interpretation of media message analysis

Theatre Concentration majors meet these additional context objectives 

G.  Demonstrate familiarity with historical and contemporary context (e.g. political, cultural, social) of dramatic literature



Specific objectives include: Students should be able to


All CATA Majors meet these specific objectives for criticism

A.  Apply conceptual categories to a specific “text,” situation or event.

Communication Concentration majors meet this additional criticism objective

B.  Analyze and evaluate communication “texts” and practices using different formal methods.

Media Concentration majors meet this additional criticism objective

C.  Be able to critique media messages technically.

Theatre Concentration majors meet this additional criticism objective

D.  Describe the effects on an audience of a theatrical production resulting from artistic choices of author, director, designers and actors



Specific objectives include: Students should be able to

All CATA Majors meet these theme objectives

A.  Demonstrate familiarity with major themes and issues concerning Freedom of Expression and Ethics in Communication.

Communication Concentration majors meet these theme objectives

B.  Understand and apply communication principles to practical issues including conflict management, problem-solving, development of rewarding personal relationships, construction of persuasive programs and messages

Media Concentration majors meet these theme objectives

C.  Demonstrate familiarity with basic media industry knowledge (economics, ownership, structure, programming, law, regulation and media history.)




Specific objectives include: Students should be able to


All CATA Majors meet this specific performance skill objective

A.  Demonstrate proficient oral communication in a variety of settings with a variety of purposes, 

Communication Concentration majors meet these additional performance skill objectives

B.  Design effective messages in at least one additional medium (other than oral communication).

C.  Demonstrate basic skills in listening, outlining, using verbal and visual supporting material.

            D.  Demonstrate (several) effective interpersonal and group communication skills (e.g. conflict management, problem solving, relationship management, etc.)

Media Concentration majors meet this additional performance skill objective

E.  Work effectively in production teams

Theatre Concentration majors meet this additional performance skill objective

F.  Develop the confidence and skill to present oneself as a competent actor, director, stage crew manager, or designer.


Specific objectives include: Students should be able to

All CATA Majors meet these specific technical skill objectives

A.  Demonstrate the ability to use technology in more than one medium.

B.  Produce appropriate, effective, professional appearing messages using methods appropriate to the medium,

C.  Select and effectively use appropriate information acquisition tools. [To be added to requirements after 2004]

Media Concentration majors meet this additional technical skill objective

D.  Demonstrate basic production skills (operating equipment, directing, editing, planning)

Theatre Concentration majors meet this additional technical skill objective

E.  Demonstrate an ability to control the physical elements of the body as an actor, of the overall production as a director or the tools of the craft as a scenic, lighting, or costuming technician or designer.



Important Links

CATA Learning Objectives
CATA 101 - All Classes
Courses Supported by the Web
Reasearch Sources
Wackerle Career and Leadership Center


Welcome back!

Make sure to check your schedules for and CATA Classes

Seniors - Don't Forget Portfolios are due March 15!!

Auditions for "Trojan Women" are this week. See Doc Wallace with questions.