Sample Show

-"L is for the way you look at me," will begin the show. After this first line the first white/silver firework will go off. The first firework will look like the picture you see below; this firework uses aluminum chloride and antimony.

-Immediately following this will be the Helium Neon laser emitting yellow. As the songs change the color of the laser will change to orange, green and then back to yellow.

-Keeping with the Frank Sinatra theme the songs will then go from  "Tell Her You Love Her Each Day," "Somewhere In Your Heart" and "When Somebody Loves You."

-Being that each song is between one to two minutes there will be four to five fireworks per song.

-The show ends with "Unforgettable," which is actually Nat King Cole, but love calls for some expectations. Am I right?

-Each audience member will have a sparkler and they will all be lit at the end of the last song and ideally this is that romantic moment where you and your spouse look into each others eyes smile and kiss. (Just like in the movies!)

-The show lasts about ten to fifteen minutes, but this is flexible at your request. 

-This is a very classy, simply show. The show is not fast and frenzied, but rather it is slow so the audience can enjoy each firework, laser, and the lyrics. It is beautiful, but not over done or obnoxious. 



This page is not that of a real company but is for a chemistry assignment for General Chemistry 140 at Monmouth College