Our First Show

Setting: Monmouth College. Turkey Bowl 2004.

        The following is a description of the first show ever put on by Poof Inc. This football game, our first real job, was no ordinary football game. The Turkey Bowl  is one of the most important games that Monmouth College plays. The Turkey Bowl is a game between MC and their biggest rival, Knox College. This game was particularly special though because this game was held at night, and that's how we got involved. MC decided that they wanted to spice up the halftime show and do something new to get the fans even more pumped up. Because halftime is only 20 minutes, and the dance team gets the first five, we did a laser show for our 15 minutes of halftime. Here's how it went.


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 Half time Laser show:

             The show began by firing random lasers in sporadic designs to get everybody's attention. For these designs, we used every laser that we had.  This portion lasted a few minutes. Enough to get their attention and to get them really intrigued with the lasers. For this portion we played Daurade by Sandstorm. Techno music went best with the randomly firing lasers. Then we had  Argon lasers (which give off blue light) move around to make the shape of a football. We continued to draw random pictures of football images for the next few minutes, spending about a minute on each design. From there we began to write. We then moved to HeNe lasers (which gives red light), and Rhodamine 6G dye lasers (which gives off tunable light). We tuned the Rhodamine 6G dye so that it emitted a white light. From here we spelled out "Go" in white and "Scots" in red. We thought about doing one for Knox too, but that idea was quickly thrown out the window when we remembered that it was Monmouth College who hired us, and we were there to rally the MC fans and no one else. By now, the show was nearing an end. This is when we wrote "Turkey Bowl 04) in green HeNe lasers. For this portion of the show, we played The Apache Song. We chose this song because it can pump anybody up, and once you hear it, you just want to dance! The lenses for the lasers were the basic lenses used in the everyday sort of laser light. The only difference was that the lenses on our lasers are bigger and are able to make the light more intense. This first laser show was a huge success. We received an enormous crowd response, and we were even invited back to do it again next year.     

             The last part of the show was the firework show which went on after the football game ended. What made the show even better was the fact that the Monmouth Fighting Scots were victorious over the Knox Prarie Fire! We started by playing the "Hey Hey Goodbye" song from Remember the Titans. The first few minutes of the fireworks show consisted of many different colors and compounds. The colors were red, orange, gold, green, and blue and the compounds that made up these colors were strontium, calcium, carbon, barium, and copper. These fireworks were very bright and colorful because of the energy levels. Since the energy levels of the substances were high, they burned much brighter. After the huge sky display of fireworks there was an awesome ground display with lots of sparkles. The ground display consisted of a sign that lit up and said "Scots Win!!!" The show lasted for about 10 minutes to end the game with a bang!!