Katti Jablenski

1031 Walter Ave.

Des Plaines, Illinois 60016




Objective:                   Spanish-Chemistry education position, grades 9-12


Education:                  Bachelor of Arts, Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois May 2008

                                    Secondary Chemistry Education

                                    GPA 3.64


 Teaching                    Garfield Elementary School, Monmouth, Illinois                             2005

Experience:                Student aide pre-K

                                    -I prepared bulletin boards

                                    -I read short stories to the students

                                    -observed how to give verbal instructions to early learners


College Activities       Varsity tennis team                               

& Honors:                  Alpha Lambda Delta

                                    Varsity softball team


High School                Softball team (4 years)              Tennis team (2 years)

Activities                    Swimming team (2 years)                      Heart beat of the Warrior

& Honors:                  National Honor Society                        High honor roll

                                    Math team (4 years)                             Mock Trial (2 years)

                                    Class council                                        Physical education leader

                                    Pi Sigma Pi                                           Physical education leader board member


Technological             Microsoft Word                                   Excel   

Skills:                          Power Point                                         Front page   

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**This page is not that of a real company but is for a chemistry assignment for General Chemistry 140 at Monmouth College.**