Quiz A

Read each question carefully.  Fill in the blanks provided with the appropriate word or words.


1.) Use ______ to bracket nonrestrictive phrases.

2.) When beginning a sentence with a dependant clause a comma  ____ needed.

3.) Use ________ construction when making a strong point to create smooth flow throughout the sentence.

4.) Write using ______ voice unless it is absolutely necessary to use ______ voice.

5.) When expressing possession of a singular noun, a/an  _______ is placed _____________ the "s" ; whereas, it is placed _________ the "s" when describing a plural noun.

6.) ________ is when different words in a sentence are used that mean basically the same thing. 

7.) The subject and verb must ______ with each other.

8.) _____ is used in the place of other pronouns such as: he, she, they, and we.

9.) _____ is used in place of other pronouns such as: her, him, them and us.

10.) Use _______ when expressing an exact measurement.