Spring Break 1998



Four students, two relatives, and one alum of Monmouth College joined Professor Urban for the spring break trip. Click here for the Munich City Guide.

Daily Schedule

This was a March trip, and there was a bit more drizzle than we wanted. But we were never drenched. And we had a blast.

Day 1 - Friday March 13 Meet at Chicago's O'Hare Airport for 5:20 PM departure to Munich on Lufthansa.

Day 2 - Saturday, March 14 Arrive in Munich, motorcoach provided to hotel Orly. Walked, walked, walked, visited museums, ate a good supper! Returned to hotel for a good night's sleep.

Day 3 - Sunday, March 15 Museum Day! Ancient and modern art. Dinner at Hofbrauhaus.

Day 4 - Monday, March 16 Van to Salzburg.

Day 5 - Tuesday March 17 Van for visit to Landshut.

Day 6 - Wednesday, March 18 Van to Ulm. Climb most of the way up the Minster (tallest church stepple in the world). http://www.germany-tourism.de/cities_e.html

Day 7 - Thursday, March 19 Van to Neuschwanstein Castle. SNOW.

Day 8 - Friday, March 20 Van to Dachau and Augsburg.

Day 9 - Saturday, March 21 Free day. Nymphenburg Palace and shopping.

Day 10 - Sunday, March 22 9 AM departure for airport. 11:20 AM flight to Chicago, arriving Sunday 2:20 PM

Day 18 - Paper Due from those who expect academic credit for attending the preparatory lectures and the activities during the trip.