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Create a Signature Using a MC Template

Note: The instructions below are for Outlook 2016. (Outlook on the Web does not support graphics in signatures.)

  1. Click the link below to open the Word template file.

    MC Signature Template File (.docx)
  2. Select a template and customize it (e.g., change the name, phone number, etc.).
  3. Copy the customized template.

  4. In Outlook 2016, on the File tab, click Options on the left, click Mail on the left, and then click Signatures on the right.

  5. If you have an existing signature, then delete it by clicking Delete (shown circled below) and then clicking Yes.
  6. Click New.
  7. Enter a name for your signature and then click OK.
  8. Under Edit signature, paste the template.

  9. Click the New messages down arrow and select your signature.
  10. If desired, click the Replies/forwards down arrow and select your signature.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click OK.