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Connect Using Remote Desktop on a Chromebook

  1. Download Microsoft Remote Desktop from the Google Play Store. (Microsoft Remote Desktop 8, which is another option you'll see in the Google Play Store, is an older version of the Microsoft Remote Desktop app.)

    Microsoft Remote Desktop
  2. Accept the licensing agreement.
  3. Click the plus the plus sign in the upper-right corner and select Desktop.
  4. In the PC name field, enter
  5. In the user name field, enter your MC email address.
  6. Double-click the name of the connection you just set up to launch the connection.
  7. Click CONNECT.
  8. Log on with your MC email address and password.

    IMPORTANT! When you're finished using Remote Desktop, be sure to log out by clicking the Start button in the Remote Desktop session, clicking the User User icon icon, and selecting Sign out just like you would on a campus computer.

    NOTE: If you have trouble connecting, see Unable to Connect Using Remote Desktop on a Chromebook for troubleshooting steps.