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Remote Network & File Access


Students, faculty, and staff have two options for accessing their files and MC programs from their personal devices: RemoteApp and Remote Desktop.


RemoteApp enables you to access certain programs (Word, Minitab, Mathematica, etc.) on your computer without having to fully install them. (RemoteApp programs open in separate windows on your computer, and you can access your F: drive files and save files to your F: drive from within the programs just like you would on a campus computer.)

Launch a RemoteApp Program (Windows)

Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop provides you with access to your F: drive files and MC network-installed programs from a desktop that looks similar to the desktop you see when you log in to a campus computer.

Connect Using Remote Desktop on a Windows PC
Connect Using Remote Desktop on a Mac
Connect Using Remote Desktop on a Chromebook

For more Information about Remote Desktop, see the Remote Desktop help documentation.