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Department of Communication and Theatre Arts

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Independent Study





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Applications for Independent Studies planned for Spring 2005 are due November 29
to Lee McGaan
 (by email)!!

Independent Studies play an important role in the CATA major. All CATA majors are required to complete an internship experience or an independent study. While internships typically involve working at a remote site doing work of a professional nature in a workplace, independent studies involve conducting research or doing indepth study on a specialized topic or developing a substantial creative project working closely with a CATA faculty supervisor.  Independent studies are strongly encouraged for students planning on pursuing graduate work.

A student who will have at least 59 semester hours by the time of the independent study(and who has completed a substantial part of the CATA major) should submit an Application for independent study by the midterm week of the semester preceding the desired independent study. Currently, applications should be sent to Prof. Lee McGaan electronically. The CATA faculty will review the application and notify the student of their decision before the end of the semester.   The application process results in the approval of a student as eligible for a CATA sponsored independent study.  It is not approval of all details of the project itself.  The details and  specific contractual requirements of the independent study course are arranged by the student with his/her faculty sponsor. may be.  CATA faculty are always willing to assist students in planning an independent study.

An independent study is normally for three semester hours of credit.  However, students hoping to receive more than three credit hours for an independent study should arrange for the additional credit in advance of beginning the project.  Evaluation of the independent study is done by the faculty sponsor following standards he/she and the student arrange in the form of a contract at the beginning of the semester in which the project is to occur.  Expectations for successful independent studies include

  • Completing an independent study contract with your faculty sponsor is required.  This contract should be completed within ten days of beginning the project and submitted to the independent study coordinator (with signed copies to the registrar and faculty sponsor).

  • Holding periodic meetings with the faculty sponsor as defined in the contract

  • Submitting a portfolio containing or describing the created/finished project to the faculty sponsor after completion of the independent study.

  • Submitting a self evaluation based on the experience

For further information regarding independent study, contact Prof. Lee McGaan, Internship/Independent Study Coordinator and Chair

[ NOTE:  Several forms and sample documents on this page are in  MS Word .doc format.  The most convenient way to work with these forms is to save them to your account or computer by clicking on the link with your right mouse button, then clicking on the "Save Target As" menu item and saving the file to a location of your choice. ]


Important Links

Click here to go to the Internship Page

CATA Internship Guidelines

CATA Internship  Application Form (.doc)

CATA Independent Study Application form

CATA Internship Contract Template (.doc)

CATA Internship Evaluation Form (.doc)

Recent CATA Internships - Interns and Sites

List of Skills Often Developed by CATA Majors

Example CATA Internship Application

Example CATA Internship Contract


Welcome back!

Make sure to check your schedules for and CATA Classes

Seniors - Don't Forget Portfolios are due March 15!!

Auditions for "Trojan Women" are this week. See Doc Wallace with questions.